From left to right: Will Dover, Kaci Dover, Cassey Waits, Tyler Barron
Brief History of Greater Promise -
Written by: Will Dover (pictured above - far left)
I desired to make a gospel CD as a ministry. I got several friends together and the three of us, myself, Kaci, and baritone Casey Waits recorded their first album “The Long Journey” (2014). All three of us came from singing backgrounds. On the album, I
am also the pianist and rhythm guitarist. Casey is the lead guitarist and bass player. After praying and reading 2nd Peter, we took on the name Greater Promise.
God blessed us, and the CD led to appointment after appointment. We never really intended on becoming a group but realized the Lord wasn’t finished with us as group. Eventually we added two more friends: a bass singer & Mandolin player, Tyler Barron, and a bass player Carey Robinson. God continued to bless, and eventually we were able to sing on Channel 57 Atlanta Live.
After Atlanta Live, Tyler was called to pastor and left the group briefly. Carey stepped into the bass role, and Will became the mandolinist. God answered many prayers in those next few years including myself and Kaci getting married.
As time goes on things change. God moves people where He needs them. Casey Waits also got married and moved away, leaving the group in the winter of 2017. The group auditioned several different people for that position but could not find one that fit. After he resigned his pastorship, Tyler Barron rejoined us, this time as our baritone in early 2018. Since returning, Tyler has started pastoring Seney Baptist Church but he goes with us when he can. When he cannot, Dawn Abney and/or Wesley Dover happily volunteer to fill in and Casey Waits still joins us from time to time.
God has been better than good to Greater Promise. Our desire is to see people saved and Christians revived. We believe God has given us the desire of our hearts. We have seen many things too wonderful to tell. And we look forward to as many more years as the Lord does allow. The entire theology of Greater Promise can be summed up in four words: “Jesus Died For Me”. Greater Promise is not a group of entertainers and they do not wish to be. We desire that God be glorified above all. For scripture teaches if Christ be lifted up, He’d draw all men unto Him.
To book Greater Promise, call Will Dover @ (706)676-2282, or e-mail him at
Click here to view the Greater Promise Facebook page.