Handfuls of Purpose

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Community Revival Notes: 11/12/22

The last day of this revival was just perfect.

We had tons of help preparing and serving food to the community and were even able to eat and fellowship together. There is something about serving others that really brings people together. I made new friends and grew closer to old friends, and it really did my heart good. I sincerely want to thank all who donated food and supplies as well as those who cooked and served.

The only unfortunate part of the day was that Bro. Boody Spencer and his family were not able to make it to sing. Everyone, please pray that Boody makes a full and quick recovery. Nevertheless, God provided as He always does, and we heard wonderful singing from my wife Jennifer, Bro. Jerry Deems, and the Moore Family.

As Bro. Chase stood he said that the word “simple” had been running through his mind throughout the revival, something that I too had been thinking about. He made some very good points about how we tend to complicate things, especially the gospel, and how it really is as simple as believing. This idea has come up during every service.

Chase read from the Gospel of Luke about the crucifixion of Jesus, specifically the part about the two malefactors who were crucified next to him. The heart of the message was built around the one man who realized he deserved to be where he was but that Jesus didn’t. As you know this man called to Jesus for help and was promised that He would be with Jesus in paradise that very day. Chase then pointed out how this man went from a guilty thief one day to being with Jesus the next.

Chase placed a lot of emphasis on the simplicity of this man’s conversion, how hanging there on that cross there was no church building, religion, ceremony, statistic or program that he could appeal to, only Jesus. This man was never even baptized, yet he called on Jesus for help and was saved.

Although many good points were made, the main point that was preached was that with Christ we have the power to put yesterday behind us and move forward. We can go from sinner to saved in an instant, just like the man on the cross. As I commented at the end of the service, I think that’s the best news we can offer anyone; the hope of true forgiveness, and a fresh start.

I will eventually have the audio available here on the site, although some of the song service was not recorded.

I want to thank all of our singers and preachers this week, as well as all who attended, prayed, or helped with the meal. A special thank you to the Euharlee Valley Historical Society for use of the church.

A new year is fastly approaching, and I plan to do some type of revival in 2023, stay tuned for details.

As far as the remainder of 2022, the only thing going on here at Handfuls of Purpose is Handfuls of Help. If you would like to donate money to help the less fortunate at Christmas, please reach out to me, or click here for more details.

God bless!