Bro. Bryan Johnson Testimony

Bro. Brian Johnson

Bro. Brian Johnson

On Sunday night, March 19, 1972, I was born into the family of God when I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior!!! Have I always lived right? No. I'm not perfect, just forgiven!!! Over the past 48 years, I've been the prodigal son more times than I can imagine. Each time, He forgives me and welcomes me back!!!! I'm thankful for His love and His mercy and His grace!!! If it wasn't for that, I don't know where I'd be right now!!!

As a 19-year-old, struggling college student, my father went home to be with the Lord. For many years I blamed God for taking him at the early age of 46 leaving Mama and me to fend for ourselves. Always having my dad around to take care of Mama and me was what we had been used to.

As time went on, I finally graduated college and got my first teaching job. Three and a half years later, I left my job, only to blame God again. During the next three years, I was a substitute teacher and I was also helping Mama with Mamaw and Grandpa. Toward the end of those three years, we lost Grandpa and six months later we lost Mamaw. I wasn't blaming God this time, but I wasn't living like I should.

I also left the church that I grew up in and also through God's grace, I was blessed with another full-time job.

I was back in church for a while with full determination to get back on track. That lasted for a short while. It got to the point where even when I was at church I wasn't really there. I left that job and that church knowing that I was moving farther away from God. Life seemed like it was getting worse and worse. I found some jobs that I didn't really enjoy, but they paid the bills. Finally, after several years of retail sales, I went back into the classroom and also asked God to forgive me just like the prodigal son asked his father.

Things seemed to be going better than they had for a while even though mom's health was slowly declining. It was during those years that I announced my call to preach. About three years after that, I was licensed and ordained.

A year later I found a dear friend in her house dead and we had just talked the night before. She died on my birthday. From that moment on mom and I were both having trouble dealing with this death. I was becoming depressed. Mom's health was getting worse faster than ever. Five years later, when I came home from work, I walked in the house and found Mama dead too. This plus my job situation sent me into a downward spiral. My meds didn't seem to be working, so I began drinking. A beer or two before I went to bed "seemed " to be helping me.

Also during this time, I was getting lax about being at church and for the most part, just quit going.

Between these two losses and my job situation, I started building walls around myself. I didn't want to feel anything from anyone or towards anyone. Even God!!! I was living a defeated life.

I actually stopped drinking beer after about a year and a half after my mother died. Still my walls, I thought, were very strong.

In 2016, I began working at our grocery store in Adairsville. In October of the following year, God sent a young man to work at the store. He kept on asking me when I was going to church and hear his daddy preach. (I was his daddy's 4th-grade teacher). I kept making my excuses to not go.

Finally one Sunday morning, I thought I'd go (just to get this kid off my back)!!! As soon as I walked in the church door I felt my wall melting away. I even ended up playing the piano that morning. I couldn't wait to go back that night!!! A few weeks went by and I joined that church!!! I started feeling love for others again and from others again!!!!! Just about the time I joined the church, the young man left the grocery store. God used him at the store to guide me back home to the Father!!! Again, God welcomed me back just like the father welcomed the prodigal son back home.

Yes, I've failed and made mistakes. Yes, I've had some hard times since I've been in this church, but God gave me so many people who love, support, and care for me!!!!! I'm happier now than I have ever been!!! I'm so very blessed!!!

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