An Inclined Heart

An Inclined Heart

An Inclined Heart

I’ve heard a lot of preaching in my life, and one thing I’ve learned is that some messages tend to stick out in my mind more than others. That’s not to say that those messages are better than the rest, I just think some sermons resonate more with where we are in life at that particular moment.

Several months ago my pastor preached a message titled “An Inclined Heart”. That message really moved me, so much so that I feel inclined to write about it.

I am not writing to rehash the message and I certainly won’t attempt to add to it (you can listen below, and I strongly recommend that you do), but I do want to praise the Lord. I want to thank Him for inclining my heart toward him. I want to thank him for helping me love him.

The only thing God wants from us is our love, but He doesn’t leave it all up to us to fulfill this great commandment. He helps us love Him. That may sound like a strange thing to say, it’s something I haven’t heard talked about much, but it’s true.

“We love him, because he first loved us.”
— 1 John 4:19

For all of my life, or at least as long as I can remember, I’ve felt drawn towards God. Even in the times when I have rebelled against God, there has always been something deep within that felt compelled, or inclined, towards Him.

Not long after this message was preached, I entered what can only be described as the “dark night of the soul.” But even in the midst of questions, confusion, and doubt, my heart’s inclination never changed. The very thought of going the other way, opposite him, seems an uphill struggle.

If a car is placed on an inclined plane, like a hill, it is naturally inclined to roll down the hill. The only things that will keep it from rolling downhill are propulsion in the opposite direction and brakes. I’m convinced there are many who are deeply inclined toward God. If we would only let off the brakes, and stop running in the opposite direction, we would find what our heart longs for.

Take the time to listen to this message.

God bless!

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